Helping grieving children cope with their loss.
The Child Mind Institute offers ways to aid children with coping with grief.
The Doughy Center (The National Center for Grieving Children and Families) offers more sources than just helping grieving children.
Article published by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley. (a website of American Academy of Pediatrics) discusses that understanding of death depends on age & development and how to help children at different ages.
Kids’ Health has suggestions on helping a child cope with the death of a loved one by. Articles can be read in English or Spanish, and a text-to-speech version is also available.
National Association of School Psychologists
Download the article Helping Children Cope with Loss, Death and Grief (PDF format).
Parents’ Magazine article.
Psychology Today article offers ways to aid children with coping with grief.
Remedy Health Media article.
Eight steps to take to help children cope with grief.
Stanford Children’s Health includes a list of common behaviors that children may exhibit and helping them to heal.